Nutritional tips for winter walkers: Foods and drinks to maintain energy and warmth!

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When temperatures drop, winter walking becomes a captivating challenge. At WeWard, we understand that maintaining good nutrition is crucial to fully enjoy this experience. This article is dedicated to everyone who seeks to combine their love of walking with smart nutritional choices to stay energetic and warm during their winter adventures.

The importance of a balanced

In winter, our body expends more energy to keep warm. A diet rich in calories and nutrients is essential for winter walkers. Foods high in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, provide a sustainable energy source. Proteins, found in lean meats, legumes, and nuts, are crucial for muscle repair after a long walk.

Hot drinks and hydration

Hydration remains essential, even in cold weather. Hot beverages, such as herbal teas and soups, are excellent options for staying hydrated while warming up. Regularly drinking warm liquids can help maintain body temperature and prevent hypothermia.

Energizing snacks for walking

Snacks are indispensable during winter walks. Dried fruits, nuts, and energy bars are convenient to carry and provide a good dose of quick energy. Choosing snacks rich in fiber and protein helps maintain energy levels over an extended period.For everything concerning high-altitude walking, Evelyne Deblock, a sports nutritionist and coordinator at the Mclinique at Midtown Le Sporting Club Sanctuaire, spoke on the subject for the website espaces.

“In high altitude, oxygen becomes scarcer and the body uses more carbohydrates, as they are easier to digest and metabolize than other nutrients. However, the energy density of carbohydrates (4 kcal/g) is lower than that of lipids (9 kcal/g). Therefore, one must eat more to avoid losing weight. Caloric needs increase: 60% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 25% lipids. Favor complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal, bread, pasta, rice, and cereals. A vitamin C supplement may be considered to compensate for losses in precooked or dehydrated foods, in addition to being necessary to meet the needs generated by stress and intense physical activity. B complex vitamins are essential for carbohydrate metabolism during effort, and vitamins A, D, and E will likely be deficient in your diet if you spend several days outdoors. An omega-3 supplement can help reduce inflammation caused by repeated exercise, and a digestive enzyme supplement consumed after meals will help counteract the effects of altitude on digestion."

Walking in winter is a rewarding experience that requires adequate preparation, especially in terms of nutrition. By following these dietary tips, walkers can not only brave the cold but also fully enjoy their winter adventure.

At WeWard, we believe that every step, no matter the season, is a step towards better health and a cleaner environment. Embrace winter with confidence and energy by making enlightened nutritional choices.

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